EcoService Models Library (ESML)
Variables Details
: (EM-942)
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EM Identity and Description
EM-942 | |
Document Author
Hashad, K. B. Yang, J. T. Steffens, R. W. Baldauf, P. Deshmukh, K. M. Zhang |
Document Year
2021 |
Variable General Info
Pollutant deposition velocity ?Comment:As the plume passes through the vegetation, particles deposit on its leaves, resulting in pollutant reduction. To incorporate particle deposition in the multi-region model, the emission source term in the Gaussian equations needs to be modified, otherwise the model will overestimate pollutant concentration downwind of the barrier. To account for particle deposition, a mass balance was conducted before and after the vegetation to evaluate the particle reduction due to deposition for each of the training cases. When fitting the concentration reduction, in addition to using the five parameters in the fitting process, the particle deposition velocity was also included as it is highly correlated to particle deposition. |
Variable ID
23159 |
dv | |
Quantitative (Cardinal Only) |
Cardinal |
Not reported |
Variable Typology
Pollutant deposition velocity ?Comment:As the plume passes through the vegetation, particles deposit on its leaves, resulting in pollutant reduction. To incorporate particle deposition in the multi-region model, the emission source term in the Gaussian equations needs to be modified, otherwise the model will overestimate pollutant concentration downwind of the barrier. To account for particle deposition, a mass balance was conducted before and after the vegetation to evaluate the particle reduction due to deposition for each of the training cases. When fitting the concentration reduction, in addition to using the five parameters in the fitting process, the particle deposition velocity was also included as it is highly correlated to particle deposition. |
Predictor |
Predictor Variable Type
Constant or Parameter |
Response Variable Type
Not applicable |
Data Source/Type
Not applicable |
Variable Classification Hierarchy
4. Human-Produced Stressor or Enhancer of Ecosystem Goods and Services Production |
--Human-caused release, presence or characteristics of polluting substances |
----Release, presence or characteristics of nonpesticide anthropogenic toxic contaminants |
Variable Spatial Characteristics
Pollutant deposition velocity ?Comment:As the plume passes through the vegetation, particles deposit on its leaves, resulting in pollutant reduction. To incorporate particle deposition in the multi-region model, the emission source term in the Gaussian equations needs to be modified, otherwise the model will overestimate pollutant concentration downwind of the barrier. To account for particle deposition, a mass balance was conducted before and after the vegetation to evaluate the particle reduction due to deposition for each of the training cases. When fitting the concentration reduction, in addition to using the five parameters in the fitting process, the particle deposition velocity was also included as it is highly correlated to particle deposition. |
Spatial Extent Area
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Spatially Distributed?
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Observations Spatially Patterned?
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Spatial Grain Type
Not recorded for Constant or Paarameter Variables |
Spatial Grain Size
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Spatial Density
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
EnviroAtlas URL
Variable Temporal Characteristics
Pollutant deposition velocity ?Comment:As the plume passes through the vegetation, particles deposit on its leaves, resulting in pollutant reduction. To incorporate particle deposition in the multi-region model, the emission source term in the Gaussian equations needs to be modified, otherwise the model will overestimate pollutant concentration downwind of the barrier. To account for particle deposition, a mass balance was conducted before and after the vegetation to evaluate the particle reduction due to deposition for each of the training cases. When fitting the concentration reduction, in addition to using the five parameters in the fitting process, the particle deposition velocity was also included as it is highly correlated to particle deposition. |
Temporal Extent
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Temporally Distributed?
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Regular Temporal Grain?
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Temporal Grain Size Value
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Temporal Grain Size Units
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Temporal Density
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Variable Values
Pollutant deposition velocity ?Comment:As the plume passes through the vegetation, particles deposit on its leaves, resulting in pollutant reduction. To incorporate particle deposition in the multi-region model, the emission source term in the Gaussian equations needs to be modified, otherwise the model will overestimate pollutant concentration downwind of the barrier. To account for particle deposition, a mass balance was conducted before and after the vegetation to evaluate the particle reduction due to deposition for each of the training cases. When fitting the concentration reduction, in addition to using the five parameters in the fitting process, the particle deposition velocity was also included as it is highly correlated to particle deposition. |
Not applicable | |
Min Value
Not applicable |
Max Value
Not applicable |
Other Value Type
Not applicable |
Other Value
Not applicable |
Variable Variability and Sensitivity
Pollutant deposition velocity ?Comment:As the plume passes through the vegetation, particles deposit on its leaves, resulting in pollutant reduction. To incorporate particle deposition in the multi-region model, the emission source term in the Gaussian equations needs to be modified, otherwise the model will overestimate pollutant concentration downwind of the barrier. To account for particle deposition, a mass balance was conducted before and after the vegetation to evaluate the particle reduction due to deposition for each of the training cases. When fitting the concentration reduction, in addition to using the five parameters in the fitting process, the particle deposition velocity was also included as it is highly correlated to particle deposition. |
Variability Expression Given?
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Variability Metric
None |
Variability Value
None |
Variability Units
None |
Resampling Used?
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Variability Expression Used in Modeling?
Not recorded for Constant or Parameter Variables |
Variable Operational Validation (Response Variables only)
Variable ID
Validation Approach (within, between, etc.)
Validation Quality (Qual/Quant)
Validation Method (Stat/Deviance)
Validation Metric
Validation Value
Validation Units
Use of Measured Response Data