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: (EM-944)
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EM Identity and Description
EM-944 | |
Document Author
Document Year
2021 |
Variable General Info
Emission tier category ?Comment:Analyses can be performed across the 14 major emissions categories (tiers) included in the National Emissions Inventory. The emissions inventory in COBRA includes fourteen broad tier 1 categories (e.g., on-road motor vehicles); within each of these larger categories there are tier 2 (e.g., diesels), and tier 3 (e.g., heavy duty diesels) categories. The fourteen tier 1 categories include: Chemical & Allied Product Manufacturing, Fuel Combustion: Electric Utilities, Fuel Combustion: Industrial, Fuel Combustion: Other, Highway Vehicles, Metals Processing, Miscellaneous, Natural Resources, Off-Highway, Other Industrial Processes, Petroleum & Related Industries, Solvent Utilization, Storage & Transport, and Waste Disposal & Recycling. |
Location ?Comment:Emissions scenarios can be created at the county, state, national level area. |
Variable ID
23211 | 23210 |
Not reported | Not reported | |
Qualitative (Class, Rating or Ranking) | Qualitative (Class, Rating or Ranking) |
Non-Ordinal | Non-Ordinal |
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Variable Typology
Emission tier category ?Comment:Analyses can be performed across the 14 major emissions categories (tiers) included in the National Emissions Inventory. The emissions inventory in COBRA includes fourteen broad tier 1 categories (e.g., on-road motor vehicles); within each of these larger categories there are tier 2 (e.g., diesels), and tier 3 (e.g., heavy duty diesels) categories. The fourteen tier 1 categories include: Chemical & Allied Product Manufacturing, Fuel Combustion: Electric Utilities, Fuel Combustion: Industrial, Fuel Combustion: Other, Highway Vehicles, Metals Processing, Miscellaneous, Natural Resources, Off-Highway, Other Industrial Processes, Petroleum & Related Industries, Solvent Utilization, Storage & Transport, and Waste Disposal & Recycling. |
Location ?Comment:Emissions scenarios can be created at the county, state, national level area. |
Predictor |
Predictor |
Predictor Variable Type
Time- or Space-varying Variable |
Time- or Space-varying Variable |
Response Variable Type
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Data Source/Type
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Variable Classification Hierarchy
4. Human-Produced Stressor or Enhancer of Ecosystem Goods and Services Production |
N. Not classified |
--Human-caused release, presence or characteristics of polluting substances |
----Release, presence or characteristics of nonpesticide anthropogenic toxic contaminants |
Variable Spatial Characteristics
Emission tier category ?Comment:Analyses can be performed across the 14 major emissions categories (tiers) included in the National Emissions Inventory. The emissions inventory in COBRA includes fourteen broad tier 1 categories (e.g., on-road motor vehicles); within each of these larger categories there are tier 2 (e.g., diesels), and tier 3 (e.g., heavy duty diesels) categories. The fourteen tier 1 categories include: Chemical & Allied Product Manufacturing, Fuel Combustion: Electric Utilities, Fuel Combustion: Industrial, Fuel Combustion: Other, Highway Vehicles, Metals Processing, Miscellaneous, Natural Resources, Off-Highway, Other Industrial Processes, Petroleum & Related Industries, Solvent Utilization, Storage & Transport, and Waste Disposal & Recycling. |
Location ?Comment:Emissions scenarios can be created at the county, state, national level area. |
Spatial Extent Area
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Spatially Distributed?
Yes | Yes |
Observations Spatially Patterned?
Yes | Yes |
Spatial Grain Type
map scale, for cartographic feature | map scale, for cartographic feature |
Spatial Grain Size
user defined | user defined |
Spatial Density
Not applicable | Not applicable |
EnviroAtlas URL
Variable Temporal Characteristics
Emission tier category ?Comment:Analyses can be performed across the 14 major emissions categories (tiers) included in the National Emissions Inventory. The emissions inventory in COBRA includes fourteen broad tier 1 categories (e.g., on-road motor vehicles); within each of these larger categories there are tier 2 (e.g., diesels), and tier 3 (e.g., heavy duty diesels) categories. The fourteen tier 1 categories include: Chemical & Allied Product Manufacturing, Fuel Combustion: Electric Utilities, Fuel Combustion: Industrial, Fuel Combustion: Other, Highway Vehicles, Metals Processing, Miscellaneous, Natural Resources, Off-Highway, Other Industrial Processes, Petroleum & Related Industries, Solvent Utilization, Storage & Transport, and Waste Disposal & Recycling. |
Location ?Comment:Emissions scenarios can be created at the county, state, national level area. |
Temporal Extent
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Temporally Distributed?
No | No |
Regular Temporal Grain?
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Temporal Grain Size Value
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Temporal Grain Size Units
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Temporal Density
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Variable Values
Emission tier category ?Comment:Analyses can be performed across the 14 major emissions categories (tiers) included in the National Emissions Inventory. The emissions inventory in COBRA includes fourteen broad tier 1 categories (e.g., on-road motor vehicles); within each of these larger categories there are tier 2 (e.g., diesels), and tier 3 (e.g., heavy duty diesels) categories. The fourteen tier 1 categories include: Chemical & Allied Product Manufacturing, Fuel Combustion: Electric Utilities, Fuel Combustion: Industrial, Fuel Combustion: Other, Highway Vehicles, Metals Processing, Miscellaneous, Natural Resources, Off-Highway, Other Industrial Processes, Petroleum & Related Industries, Solvent Utilization, Storage & Transport, and Waste Disposal & Recycling. |
Location ?Comment:Emissions scenarios can be created at the county, state, national level area. |
Not applicable | Not applicable | |
Min Value
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Max Value
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Other Value Type
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Other Value
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Variable Variability and Sensitivity
Emission tier category ?Comment:Analyses can be performed across the 14 major emissions categories (tiers) included in the National Emissions Inventory. The emissions inventory in COBRA includes fourteen broad tier 1 categories (e.g., on-road motor vehicles); within each of these larger categories there are tier 2 (e.g., diesels), and tier 3 (e.g., heavy duty diesels) categories. The fourteen tier 1 categories include: Chemical & Allied Product Manufacturing, Fuel Combustion: Electric Utilities, Fuel Combustion: Industrial, Fuel Combustion: Other, Highway Vehicles, Metals Processing, Miscellaneous, Natural Resources, Off-Highway, Other Industrial Processes, Petroleum & Related Industries, Solvent Utilization, Storage & Transport, and Waste Disposal & Recycling. |
Location ?Comment:Emissions scenarios can be created at the county, state, national level area. |
Variability Expression Given?
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Variability Metric
None | None |
Variability Value
None | None |
Variability Units
None | None |
Resampling Used?
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Variability Expression Used in Modeling?
Not applicable | Not applicable |
Variable Operational Validation (Response Variables only)
Variable ID
Validation Approach (within, between, etc.)
Validation Quality (Qual/Quant)
Validation Method (Stat/Deviance)
Validation Metric
Validation Value
Validation Units
Use of Measured Response Data