EcoService Models Library (ESML)

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Descriptors used by ESML pre-defined filters

ESML pre-defined filters filter EM records using the descriptors listed below.

Pre-defined Filter Name ESML Descriptors Used by Filter
Source/Collection Source/Collection
EM Environmental Sub-Class EM Environmental Sub-Class
Ecosystem Service (CICES, Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services) CICES Section
CICES Division
Ecosystem Service (National Ecosystem Services Classification System (NESCS) Plus) Environmental Subclass
Ecological End-Product Class(EEP)
EEP Subclass
Hazardous Waste Site ERA Possible Generic Ecosystem Service Assessment Endpoint
Location (Terrestrial) Continent
State\Territory (U.S. only)
Location (Marine Ecoregions) Realm
Variable Classification Hierarchy Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Predictor Variable Variable Name (if predictor variable)
Response Variable Variable Name (if response variable)
Time Dependence Time Dependence
Time Continuity Time Continuity
Spatial Extent Area Spatial Extent Area
Spatial Distribution Spatial Distribution
Computational Approach Computational Approach
Determinism Determinism
Statistical Estimation Statistical Estimation
Model Calibration Performed Model Calibration Performed
Model Goodness of Fit Reported Model Goodness of Fit Reported
Model Validation Performed Model Validation Performed
Uncertainty Analysis Performed Uncertainty Analysis Performed
Sensitivity Analysis Performed Sensitivity Analysis Performed
Ecological Scale Ecological Scale
Organismal Scale Organismal Scale