EcoService Models Library (ESML)


EcoService Models Library is designed for use by government, professional, academic, and community users who are interested in the selection and use of ecological models for estimation of ecosystem goods and services.  It is the responsibility of the user to obtain any background documents that are referred to, and to evaluate model limitations, restrictions, and intended use. The data and information on this website are believed to be accurate, but no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. All computational models are, by their nature, imperfect and  any information derived from the use of those models should be regarded as an approximation of reality limited by model quality and data quality. The use of ecological models is not a replacement for “boots-on-the-ground measurements” or local knowledge.  Neither EPA, EPA contractors, nor any other organizations cooperating with EPA assume any responsibility for damages or other liabilities related to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information provided on this website. EPA reserves the right to change information at any time without public notice. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the EcoService Models Library Team.

We are always happy to hear your feedback and use that feedback for future enhancements.